Diabetes specialist Doctor
The different types of diabetes
Diabetes is also known as diabetes mellitus. This is
basically a disease where normally a person has high levels of sugar in his
blood. This could happen because of two reasons – it could be because the body
– pancreas is the organ that fulfills this responsibility – is unable to
produce a sufficient amount of insulin or because the body does not respond to
the insulin that it produces naturally. There are various kinds of diabetes out
there – it is just that people tend to suffer more from a few types of this
disease. The most prominent among these is type 1 diabetes.
Type 1 diabetes
When you talk to a diabetes specialist doctor he will tell you quite clearly that
this is also known as juvenile diabetes. This may have to do with the fact that
this kind of diabetes mostly happens among kids. It can affect people of any
age though. It can also be called an auto-immune disease. This means one where
your own body is acting against you. In this disease the beta cells in your pancreas
are destroyed forever. This is why the body is unable to produce insulin
Type 2 diabetes
This form of diabetes is also referred to as
non-insulin dependent diabetes. This is a condition where the cells in your
body are unable to use the insulin produced in the body. This is also known as
hyperglycemia. People who suffer from such diseases need to consume medicines
that help them keep diabetes in check. If their condition so demands they may
have to take insulin in order to maintain a certain level of blood sugar.
Gestational diabetes
This sort of diabetes may happen at 24-28 weeks
leading up to pregnancy. The main reason in this case is hormonal change that
happens as a result of hormones secreted by the pancreas. These hormones resist
the insulin produced by the body. Normally this happens during the second or
third trimester. At this time, a woman’s body may need a greater amount of
insulin. It could be double or thrice her normal requirement. It happens during
3 to 5 per cent of all pregnancies. Keep in constant touch with your diabetes doctor in order to be duly
bailed out of the situation.
LADA (Latent autoimmune
diabetes of adulthood)
The latent autoimmune diabetes of adulthood happens
when there are too many pancreatic antibodies generated in your body. Normally,
such people already have diabetes but do not need any insulin as such. You can
suspect that you are suffering from latent autoimmune diabetes of adulthood if
your body does not show any normal metabolic syndrome. If they are suffering
from auto-immune diseases and if their sugar levels have increased beyond
control then too there are chances that you are suffering from latent
autoimmune diabetes of adulthood.
MODY (maturity onset
diabetes of the young)
This kind of diabetes affects 1 to 2 per cent of
people who already have diabetes. It can happen when a single gene in your body
undergoes a change. In case of people suffering from maturity onset diabetes of
the young there is a 50 per cent chance that their children will suffer from
diabetes as well. Consult a reputed diabetes
centre for further information.
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